Posts in Blog
Balancing your blood sugar levels
Sugar itself is not a food group, although it is naturally present in certain foods such as fruits. The importance of balancing your blood sugar levels is because excess sugar …
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
What is it? Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition in which the ovaries develop harmless cysts around the edges, containing eggs that have not developed properly. The symptoms of …
Nutrition tips to improve sperm quality
Sperm quality is affected by a number of lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking alcohol, too much exercise and temperature, and a poor diet can also have a negative impact. We …
Eggs, Easter and fertility
Long before chocolate eggs, Easter and fertility became part of the Christian celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, it was a pagan Equinox ritual and ancient cultures, including the …
How omega-3 can improve fertility
As the spring weather starts to get warmer it is a great idea to start eating lighter foods such as fish and seafood after the long winter months of consuming …
Being overweight affects your ability to conceive?
If you’re planning for a baby, or if you’re about to undergo fertility treatment, the first question you need to ask yourself is: ‘How healthy am I. Do I need to …
Festive fertility fayre
With the colder conditions of the winter months possibly improving sperm quality and boosting male fertility, and couples spending more time together through the long winter nights, December is often …
Join in with Stoptober to improve your fertility
Stoptober is a campaign run by the NHS to encourage people to stop smoking during October, in the hope that they continue to stop smoking long term. If you do …
Preparation is key when trying to get pregnant – Part two
In the first article on the importance of why preparation is key when trying to get pregnant, we wrote about detoxifying the body and the importance of good nutrition. In …
Preparation is key when trying to get pregnant – Part one
Our doctors agree that preparation is key when trying to get pregnant. Whether you’re trying to conceive naturally or if you’re about to undergo fertility treatment, it is likely to …